Results of the AEF Social Lab survey on beneficiaries' sense of security and opportunities to complain

AEF Social Lab* has published a report on its "Protection is..." survey, which was aimed at all stakeholders in the child and family welfare sector (minors and young adults up to the age of 27 benefiting from welfare measures; their parents and relatives; foster families; professionals in the field). Nearly 500 people took part, including some 200 minors and young adults.

The responses provided some interesting insights into what might constitute a sense of security among aid recipients in Luxembourg. In addition, the survey enabled us to assess the possibilities for beneficiaries to complain, as well as the contacts they turn to in the event of a problem.

In light of the results of the cross-views and the points of convergence that emerged, four recommendations were formulated by AEF Social Lab.

The report is available in the site library or can be downloaded directly here : Protection is..." report

A child-friendly report is currently being produced in French, German, Luxembourgish and English.

*The AEF Social Lab is a platform for exchange, innovation and co-creation that organized, coordinated and carried out the extensive consultation process 2020-2021, called to feed a national reference framework for the Child and Family Assistance (CFA) sector. It has begun a second consultation campaign in 2022 to serve as the basis for the implementation of the national framework for CFA. It is composed of representatives from MENJE, ANCES (National Association of Educational and Social Communities) and FEDAS Luxembourg (Federation of Social Sector Actors).