The “Office national de l’enfance” is at your side: we protect and help children, young people, young adults, and families who are experiencing difficulties.
We are there to listen to you, with kindness and empathy, for all kinds of family concerns.
Through our multiple missions, we aim above all to protect the best interests of the child. We ensure the emotional and physical stability of the child by offering help adapted to the individual situation of each family.
You can consult our new brochure here. You'll find information in French, Luxembourgish, English and Portuguese.
Our missions are to
Our work is based above all on the principles of prevention, protection, help and support and on a major effort to inform and raise awareness.
Our priority is to work with families to find solutions that have a positive and long-term impact on the family situation.
33, Rives de Clausen
For all correspondence, please use the address below
postal address:
L-2926 Luxembourg
If you have any questions or need further information, you can contact us at
Media contact:
Myriam Bamberg
Tel: (+352) 247-85252