Publication of the national reference framework in French

The French version of the National Child and Family Services Framework has been published online. It can be downloaded here.

The national reference framework for EFA aims to harmonize the framework of intervention of professionals, with particular reference to the main principles of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Declaration of Human Rights. It describes the legal framework of EFA, the implementation and management of aid, and the concepts of action, and provides guidelines for professional posture and quality management. The quality standards which complement it, define evaluation criteria for each assistance measure.

The terms of reference are the result of an extensive consultation process with both EAF professionals and beneficiaries themselves. This participatory process led by theAEF Social Lab from 2020 to 2021 has gathered the voices of the sector's stakeholders through conferences, workshops, focus groups, individual consultations and questionnaires.

Teaching guides to be published

Pedagogical guides dedicated to AEF, constituting Annex 3 of the reference framework, are currently being developed by the Quality Department of the General Directorate of AEF of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth. This work is being carried out in collaboration with the AEF Social Lab, which has been conducting a second consultation campaign with sector stakeholders since 2022 for this purpose as part of the implementation of the reference framework.

Teaching guides to be published

These pedagogical guides aim to put into practice key themes that have been presented in the framework in a general way. Going into more depth on the theoretical aspects related to their respective themes, they will focus primarily on practice and contain toolkits to serve a concrete implementation of each of their themes.