Take the Letters for the Future survey for Child and Family Services

As part of its mission to support the evolution of the Child and Family Services (CFS) sector and the implementation of the EAF national reference frameworkAEF Social Lab* is launching a paper and online mail survey, available in two languages (French and German). It will take place until February 28, 2023.

For this anonymous and confidential surveyIn the "Letter for the Future", participants are asked to write about good and bad practices, as well as ideas for improvement, around the following three themes:

The data collected will be used to make recommendations, including for upcoming educational guides on the topics of participation, protection concepts and claims management.

Who can participate?

The survey is aimed at minors and young adults up to the age of 27 who benefit from AEF measures; their parents and relatives; foster families and all professionals (management, field workers, etc.) in the AEF sector.

How to participate?

Letters can be sent to the AEF Social Lab address or via a virtual mailbox.

To learn more or to participate, please visit : www.aef.lu/enquetes/

The AEF Social Lab has also deployed mailboxes in about 20 aid structures.

*The AEF Social Lab is a platform for exchange, innovation and co-creation that organized, coordinated and carried out the extensive consultation process 2020-2021, called to feed a national reference framework for the Child and Family Assistance (CFA) sector. It has begun a second consultation campaign in 2022 to inform the implementation of the national framework for CFA. It is composed of representatives from the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, the National Association of Educational and Social Communities (ANCES) and the Federation of Social Sector Actors (FEDAS Luxembourg).