How do the people involved experience their child and family support measures?
An important issue for quality improvement in the interests of children, young adults, families and foster carers. AEF Social Lab is developing a guide to gather the views of those concerned, which will form an appendix to the reference framework for child and family support.
We do this in a participatory and co-creative way - through the MINI LAB!
We are looking for
- 2 professionals
- 1 parent
- 1 foster parent
- 2 young teenagers (from age 12) (foster child or child living in a home)
What's a Mini Lab?
A working group made up of young adults, professionals, experts, former beneficiaries and families/foster families, who share their point of view and work together to develop tools for collecting opinions.
How is it organized?
The Mini Lab meets 2 to 3 times maximum (between 2 and 3 hours) to answer questions, discuss results, give feedback and exchange ideas. These meetings will be held between August and October 2024 at the AEF Social Lab offices in Strassen.
Why take part?
To improve the quality of childcare in the interests of children, young people and families.
Want to get involved?
Contact us :