Protection and support for children, young people, and families

With the help of our interdisciplinary experts, we stand by children, young people, and families all over Luxembourg and offer support measures to protect the well-being of the child/youngster. We aim to work together with families on a voluntary basis, actively supporting them step by step to achieve their goals.


Regional offices

We are at your side throughout the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

The fourteen regional children's offices welcome you by appointment.



ORE Differdange
Gravity Building 4th floor
2 John Ernest Dolibois Street
L-4573 Differdange


65B, Zénon Bernard Street
L-4031 Esch-sur-Alzette


41, Rue de la Forêt
L-3471 Dudelange


2A Prince Henri Avenue
L-6735 Grevenmacher


5 Thomas Edison Street
L-1445 Strassen


H2O Building
33, rue de Gasperich
L-5826 Hesperange


57, Main Street
L-9050 Ettelbruck


8 Nic Kreins Avenue
L-9536 Wiltz


12, Route de Mondorf
L-5552 Remich


CMN (Nordstrooss Medical Center)
1, Marbuergerstrooss
L-9764 Marnach


5, rue des Prés
L-7561 Mersch


10, Um Buer
L-6695 Rosport Mompach


74, Grand-Rue
L-8510 Redange Sur Attert


ORE Capellen
2-4, Parc d’activités Capellen
L-8308 Capellen

For parents

(single parents, adoptive parents,
foster parents)

For children
and young people


Parenting forums are a welcoming place for parents to exchange information and provide support.


Parents wishing to adopt a child can apply to the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth. The Ministry is the central authority for the purposes of the 1993 Hague International Convention on Adoptions.

Host family

Becoming a foster family, is about providing a child with a stable family environment, protecting his or her well-being and defending his or her interests.

Providers' area

Are you a professional in the child and family care sector? Here you will find all the information you need about the “Office National de l’Enfance”.


Children's rights

under this link you will be redirected to the children's rights website

Support &

Socio-family assistance

For whom?

Socio-familial support is intended for :

  • Families
  • Single-parent families
  • Foster families
  • Young adults


This support, either short-term or over a given period, is aimed at families to help them better manage daily tasks, particularly in terms of : 

    • managing household chores 
    • gestures for a healthy lifestyle
    • the organization of daily life
    • managing household finances


This assistance can also be requested to support the family temporarily, following a major change in life situation, e.g. the birth of a baby, separation of the couple, illness of the spouse or death. 


The main objective of the support provided by a socio-family assistant is to :

  • Support of the family in managing the day-to-day tasks of family life 
  • Enabling the family to regain their independence

It is important to note that socio-familial assistance only succeeds only in collaboration with each other. with families. 


At the start of care, the service provider draws up a report with the family, summarizing the following points family needs as well as the objectivesthat it seeks to achieve. 

This report is sent to ONE in draft form. 

With whom?

Social and family assistance is provided by one of our approved service providers, Service Aide Familiale d'Arcus.

Service aide familiale (arcus asbl)

Psychological, social or educational assistance in the family

For whom?

Psychological, social or educational assistance in a family setting is available to anyone aged between 0 à 27 years and, among others, to :

  • Families
  • Young people
  • Young adults

This assistance concerns the entire family constellation. This is not an individual measure.


The main objective of psychological, social or educational assistance is to :

  • Finding answers to educational needs (e.g. finding agreements, setting rules, being consistent)
  • Finding answers to relational needs (expressing affection, conveying a sense of security and protection)
  • Supporting the family and young people in their daily organization (meeting needs, setting up rituals)
  • Clarify tasks and responsibilitiesto help everyone (re)find their place in the family

At the start of care, the service provider draws up a report with the family, summarizing the following points family needs as well as the objectivesthat it seeks to achieve. 

This report is sent to ONE in draft form. 


Priority is given to at home of the family.

With whom?

With all family membersand any other person involved.

All family professionals and our network of service providers.


CePAS - Psychosocial and School Support Centre

The CePAS offers short and long-term psychological and therapeutic counselling for young people from the age of 12, their parents and their families.

Counselling is offered for academic, personal, or interpersonal problems.

Counselling sessions by appointment only.

Contact: (+352) 247-75910

SePAS - School Psychosocial and Support Service

This service is available in every school. Psychological sessions can be carried out quickly and without an appointment.

Contact: directly at student's school  

Family planning

Family planning offers psychological counselling for personal problems, relationship problems, and sexual problems.

Contact: (+352) 48 59 76

Psychological service for children and adolescents who are victims of domestic violence (Women in distress)

The service is aimed at any child and teenager, aged between 3 and 18, who is a victim of domestic violence.

Contact: (+352) 26 48 20 50

Therapeutic service (Youth Solidarity)

 The therapeutic service offers support and psychological and social and/or therapeutic assistance to young adolescents (13-18 years old) who are users of legal and/or illegal psychoactive substances.

Contact: (+352) 48 93 48


Alupse offers therapeutic and psychological counselling sessions for any child, teenager, or young adult up to the age of 21 who has been a victim of physical, psychological, or sexual abuse or has experienced a traumatic situation.

ALTERNATIVES - Counseling Center for Abused Children and Adolescents(Pro Familia Foundation)

This centre offers psychological and therapeutic counselling for children and adolescents who are victims of violence from their own family.

Contact: (+352) 51 72 72 89

Support from a psychologist or psychotherapist 

For whom?

Support by a psychologist or psychotherapist is aimed at children, adolescents and young adults from 3 to 27 years.

  • Children
  • Teenagers
  • Young adults

Between the ages of 0 and 3, children are referred to appropriate services.


Consultations or even follow-up with a psychologist or psychotherapist can help children, adolescents or young adults with their difficulties:

  • personal
  • relational or
  • behavioral

You can contact the Office National de l'Enfance (National Children's Office) using the application form on this website. Application to get assistance. You will then be contacted by one of our Regional Children's Office staff closest to your home. He or she will help you define your needs and take the necessary steps.

A service provider and/or other social professional can also submit a request for help together with the family/young adult using the FG1 form. This document will then be analyzed and evaluated by the Office National de l'Enfance.


The consultation takes place at the service provider's premises.

With whom?

The focus is on children, adolescents and young adults.

Votre bébé pleure beaucoup ? Il ne dort pas la nuit ? Votre enfant a du mal à s’habiller tout seul ou à manger sans aide ? Il semble maladroit ? Il est souvent agité ou à l’inverse, il est trop calme ? Il a un retard au niveau de la parole ou au niveau du langage écrit ?

Support through early special education, psychomotricity, occupational therapy, or speech therapy can help meet your child's individual needs, support their development, and prevent educational and social failure.

Early intervention in child development


Other providers


Occupational therapy and psychomotricity


List of accredited private providers for occupational therapy

List of approved private providers of psychomotricity services

Other providers


Speech and language therapy and educational therapy (pedagogy)


List of licensed speech therapists

Other providers

Some difficult situations such as illness or hospitalization can prevent parents from taking care of their child temporarily or for a long time.

During this period, the child can be welcomed and supported appropriately either at a reception centre or in a foster family.


  • Welcome children or young adults in situations of urgent psychological and social crisis in a structured living environment adapted to their needs, for a limited period of 3 months, when staying in their family is temporarily inadvisable or impossible.
  • prepare children or young adults for a return to their family environment or for an extended stay in a foster care institution.

Target population

  • Children from the age of 3, adolescents and young adults whose parents are in crisis and who can no longer guarantee the accommodation, care and/or the fulfilment of primary needs of the child or young adult.



  • Welcome children for a limited period in an organized living environment tailored to their needs.
  • Promote the development of the overall skills of children during the duration of this stay.
  • Prepare children for a return to their families or for an extended stay with a foster family or at a foster care centre.

Target population

Children under the age of 3 whose parents are temporarily unable to provide care and education and fulfil their primary needs.



  • Welcome children or young people in a structured living environment adapted to their needs, respecting their individuality.
  • Accompany children or young adults in their development and, as far as possible, prepare the children or young adults for returning to their family environment.

Target population

Children from the age of 3, adolescents and young adults who are confronted with social and family difficulties, possibly associated with psychological issues, which can be expressed through inappropriate behaviour and school problems, and whose families are unable to respond appropriately on their own.  


Target population

Young people between the ages of 16 and a maximum of 27 who can organise their daily lives in a partially independent manner.


  • Welcome young people in a well-organized living environment adapted to their needs for a limited time.
  • Support the development of young people during the foster care period.


Target population

Young people between the ages of 16 and a maximum of 27 who can organise their daily lives in a partially independent manner.


  • Welcome young people in a well-organized living environment adapted to their needs for a limited time.
  • Support the development of young people during the foster care period.



  • Place children or young adults in situations of urgent psychological and social crisis, whose stay in the family environment is temporarily inadvisable or impossible, in a specialized institution abroad which is adapted to their specific needs.
  • prepare children or young adults for a return to their family environment or for an extended stay in a foster care institution.

Target population

Children, adolescents, and young adults.

How to Request Support

Complete the Institutional Admission Abroad Procedure form (pdf, 243 KB) and send it to the ONE

Support services for foster families


  • To place one or more children in a family other than the family of origin.
  • To take care of a child in psychological and social distress in a family environment.
  • To give the opportunity to the biological parents to work on their parenting skills.

Target population

Children and young people who face social and family difficulties and whose stay in their family environment is temporarily inadvisable or impossible.

Support services for foster families


  • Provide an adequate and structured framework, as well as appropriate education, for children and young adults receiving daytime care to develop and flourish successfully.
  • Ensure that at the end of the foster care process the children or young adults and their families are supported by an ambulatory service.

Target population

Children or young adults who need an intensity of care and treatments requiring daytime care.


Monday - Friday
8:00 am to 6:00 pm

Outside opening hours?